Saturday, October 30, 2010
Noodles du Jour: Curry Laksa from Azalina Malaysian
Off the Grid at Fort Mason Center, the Friday night street food extravaganza, is beginning to wind down for the Winter hiatus. There were no new vendors last night, and few new dishes to entice me, so I was doubly happy that Azalina of Azalina Malaysian had added a Curry Laksa to her offerings. Azalina's version had both laksa noodles and thin rice vermicelli in a coconutty lemon grass flavored broth, and was topped with a generous amount of chicken and you doufu. It was a hearty and tasty portion for $6.00, and the al dente thick laksa noodles contrasted nicely with the tender vermicelli. Having little familiarity with the dish, I took it as is, but the next time I'll ask for a bit more spice heat, as it was a little on the bland side.
Where Slurped: Off the Grid, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Rap on Lanzhou La Mian
To be sure, the subject of this post is a rap song about Lanzhou La Mian, by Gansu rapper Gao Xi, as a tribute to his iconic home town specialty. Click on the above image to hear the song, animated by Yu Ran Animation Studio. For those who can read Chinese, the lyrics are presented below. If you Don't read Chinese, but want to rap along, a PinYin romanization follows. I'll be very happy if someone can provide an intelligible line-by line translation of the lyrics, though a machine translation will give a rough sense of the meaning.
[Note: the animated version of th Lanzhou La Mian rap song linked above is slightly shortened from the original single; a full version, accompanied by by a less didactic but (to some) more stylish video can be seen at the website.]
[Note: the animated version of th Lanzhou La Mian rap song linked above is slightly shortened from the original single; a full version, accompanied by by a less didactic but (to some) more stylish video can be seen at the website.]
(哎~ 饿 饿死我了 老板 给我弄碗面 再拿瓶五泉 啥面 兰州拉面 哦 来嘞)
走在兰州的大街上 有太多的东西让你不能忘
一路上走过的漂亮姑娘 还有兰州的面也能让你吃个爽
什么炒面拉面牛肉面 还有清真的面皮在等你尝鲜
但是 不要忽略最重要的一点 牛肉面是牛肉面 拉面是拉面
牛肉面它不是拉面 拉面不是牛肉面 你听清楚没
里面的区别可不容你小看 虽然全国各地都卖过这样的饭
正宗兰州牛肉拉面 什么牛肉加拉面是啥东西 我说啊
人活脸 树活皮 人要没脸赛过驴 不了解行情就不要胡言乱语
竖起耳朵 朋友们你们给我听仔细
牛肉面不是牵着牛做面 牛肉面用上等的牛肉汤下
面细宽 几种规格随你换 出锅后给你放点香菜葱花 说到兰州拉面
新鲜的做法 如果你了解你一定感觉很伟大
兰州正宗师傅就是这么歪 一根面可以给你拉一碗
拉着面的时候比魔术还精彩 转眼间 变成又细又长的一根面
下面的肉汤 千里飘着香 包你吃了一碗还会再想 你想想想 你来尝尝尝
要是钱没带够 你也不用慌张 跟老板讲一讲
我们甘肃人可是善良又大方 我们甘肃人可是善良又大方
诶~兰州的面这么吃我给你说下 加上二斤肉 再来窝个蛋
干上瓶五泉 你也来尝尝鲜啊 便宜得很 才五块钱 哦~
兰州的面也可以这么吃 滴点辣椒油 再弄点大蒜
喝上口鲜汤 赞劲的很 保证吃了一碗 让你回味几十年
(这个面还是不错的 可惜你这个地方没什么好玩的 胡说 听着)
西北的文化你又懂的多少 可能你的了解等于你不知道
出生 结婚 还有挂的时候才会洗洗澡 这些话只是那些无知人们的笑料
听完我的这个歌希望你能好好检讨 否则你来这旅游 我还真不让你洗澡
听着没 还真不让你洗澡 听听我的介绍 敦煌有个石窟叫做莫高
丝绸之路上驼铃声声多美妙 记载了中华文明千百年的荣耀
西北边陲有个军马场风景也很好 草滩上世界名种山丹骏马在赛跑
烈性的青稞酒随时待命把你放倒 陇东南的天水有个伏羲庙
人文始祖的老家就在甘肃 你知道不知道 呆 你到底知道不知道
还有一个最重要 玩累了没啥大不了 兰州面味道又在你的周围飘
闻个好 吃个饱 俗话说的话 万里长城永不倒 兰州拉面就是好
咦 ~你给我吹吧 呵呵
兰州的面这么吃我给你说下 加上二斤肉 再来窝个蛋
干上瓶五泉 你也来尝尝鲜啊 便宜得很 才五块钱 哦~
兰州的面也可以这么吃 滴点辣椒油 再弄点大蒜
喝上口鲜汤 赞劲的很 保证吃了一碗 让你回味几十年
兰州的面这么吃我再给你说下 加上二斤肉 再来窝个蛋
干上瓶五泉 你也来尝尝鲜啊 便宜得很 才五块钱 哦~
兰州的面也可以这么吃 滴点辣椒油 再弄点大蒜
喝上口鲜汤 赞劲的很 保证吃了一碗 让你回味几十年
(āi - è èsǐ wǒ liǎo/liào lǎobǎn gěi/jǐ wǒ lòng/nòng wǎn miàn zài ná píng wǔ quán shá miàn lánzhōu lāmiàn é/ó lái lei)
zǒu zài lánzhōu de/dí/dì dàjiē shàng yǒu tàiduō de/dí/dì dōngxi/dōngxī ràng nǐ bùnéng wàng
yī lùshang zǒu guò de/dí/dì piàoliang gūniang háiyǒu lánzhōu de/dí/dì miàn yě néng ràng nǐ chī/jí gè shuǎng
shénme chǎo miàn lāmiàn niúròu miàn háiyǒu qīngzhēn de/dí/dì miàn pí zài děng nǐ cháng xiān/xiǎn
dànshì bùyào hūluè zuì zhòngyào de/dí/dì yīdiǎn niúròu miàn shì niúròu miàn lāmiàn shì lāmiàn
niúròu miàn tā búshì lāmiàn lāmiàn búshì niúròu miàn nǐ tīng/tìng qīngchu méi/mò
lǐmiàn de/dí/dì qūbié kě bùróng nǐ xiǎo kān/kàn suīrán quánguógèdì dōu/dū mài guò zhèyàng de/dí/dì fàn
zhēng/zhèng zōng lánzhōu niúròu lāmiàn shénme niúròu jiā lāmiàn shì shá dōngxi/dōngxī wǒ shuì/shuō a/ā/á/ǎ/à
rén huó liǎn shù huó pí rén yāo/yào méi/mò liǎn sài guò lú bùliǎo jiě/jiè/xiè háng/xíng/xìng qíng jiù bùyào hú yán luàn yǔ/yù
shùqi ěrduo péngyou men nǐmen gěi/jǐ wǒ tīng/tìng zǐxì
niúròu miàn búshì qiān zhāo/zháo/zhe/zhù/zhuó niú zuò miàn niúròu miàn yòng shàngděng de/dí/dì niúròu tāng xià
miàn xì kuān jī/jǐ zhǒng/zhòng guīgé suí nǐ huàn chū guō hòu gěi/jǐ nǐ fàng diǎn xiāngcài cōng huā
shuì/shuō dào lánzhōu lāmiàn
xīnxiān de/dí/dì zuòfǎ rúguǒ nǐ liǎojiě nǐ yīdìng gǎnjué hěn wěidà
lánzhōu zhēng/zhèng zōng shīfu jiùshì zhème wāi yī gēn miàn kěyǐ gěi/jǐ nǐ lā yīwǎn
lā zhāo/zháo/zhe/zhù/zhuó miàn deshíhòu bǐ/bì móshù hái/huán jīngcǎi zhuǎnyǎn jiān/jiàn biànchéng yòu xì yòu cháng de/dí/dì yī gēn miàn
xiàmian de/dí/dì ròu tāng qiān lǐ piāo zhāo/zháo/zhe/zhù/zhuó xiāng bāo nǐ chī/jí liǎo/liào yīwǎn hái/huán
huì/kuài zài xiǎng nǐ xiǎng xiǎng xiǎng nǐ lái cháng cháng cháng
yàoshì qián méi/mò dài gòu nǐ yěbù yòng huāngzhāng gēn lǎobǎn jiǎng yī jiǎng
wǒmen gānsù rén kěshì shànliáng yòu dàfāng wǒmen gānsù rén kěshì shànliáng yòu dàfāng
lánzhōu de/dí/dì miàn zhème chī/jí wǒ gěi/jǐ nǐ shuì/shuō xià jiāshàng èr jīn ròu zài lái wō gè dàn
lánzhōu de/dí/dì miàn zhème chī/jí wǒ gěi/jǐ nǐ shuì/shuō xià jiāshàng èr jīn ròu zài lái wō gè dàn
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